We're doing all sorts of stuff.
Subscribe to our monthly-ish newsletter for updates about Stucco Softwares projects. No upsells or pitches here, more like a changelog for what's been happening all in one place.
Stucco is a business framework that helps incubate and bootstrap projects, lowering the barrier to explore self-supporting ideas. We provide fiscal sponsorship, technical direction, and hands-on-keyboard contribution to software development projects.
We provide post-moden software development and consulting, exploring rich hypertext interactions and community. Our projects focus on the pluriverse, medium design, and ontology development.
Stucco believes in a vision of the open web – a sustainable approach to the Internet and computing that doesn’t rely on extractive capitalism and exploitative practices. We believe in an ethical web that manifests the values we want to see more of in the world. we believe in our collective ability to create enough value through ethical development to support ourselves independent of corporate patronage and wage labor. We believe that we can make art, tools, processes, and ideas that make society richer and happier. We believe we can care for each other, and the web is corner for delivering that care.
Maybe you believe in this too.
Subscribe to our monthly-ish newsletter for updates about Stucco Softwares projects. No upsells or pitches here, more like a changelog for what's been happening all in one place.