Introducing Stucco Software

I’m excited to announce the official beginning of Stucco Software – a community-oriented software design and development studio.

Stucco is for two things – writing and releasing our own software, and helping other people write and release theirs. This year, Stucco has worked with startups and research groups to develop websites, prototypes, and release products.

Stucco is actively looking for new projects for Summer 2024. Take a look at our process and schedule an introduction if you think Stucco could help with your software project.

The other thing Stucco is for is making a space for our own software and projects. Stucco releases apps and tools – usually along the theme of “lateral thinking with withered technology”, focusing on web standards, simplicity, and niche community use cases.

I have a lot planned, and will be writing about it all here as it happens. You can new posts directly in your inbox with the monthly-ish newsletter or subscribe to the RSS feed.

Nikolas Wise2024.04.10